Please send me links to
Please send me links to your "Joshua" sites... I am going to start filling in the right hand colum with any and all Joshua sites, famous or not. Thanks!
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Please send me links to your "Joshua" sites... I am going to start filling in the right hand colum with any and all Joshua sites, famous or not. Thanks!
It's Thanksgiving here in the USA. Eat some turkey and learn about a turkey's effect on the environment. Wacked!
By the way, thanks for all the emails that you've sent! I am trying to reply to them all that ask!
Want a free email address? Design me a new site! Let's face it, I need a new look! Send me a link with a cool design and if I use it, you can have a email address for free!
I took a really great drawing workshop last week in NYC. Check out the details and results!!!
Oh no! Dr Smith is dead!