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According to Reuters and Yahoo, Sept. 11 Suspect Moussaoui Wants to Torture Ashcroft. Dude, get in line. I think 1/2 this country feels the same way.
So AOL totally munged my IM and says my password is invalid. We already know that but for added fun they can't seem to send me a new password. It just never shows up in email. It's like my account just vanished into thin air. Although this happened a few years ago to me and then clearled up, a day or so later, we're not seeing anything like that now. When you have 125+ users on your list, this actually becomes quite a problem if you've been using this as a constant form of communication. Calling AOL is useless. "It's a totally automated support product. There is no one to talk to about it." Ever. And don't think that emailing will work. It won't. There's no one to email to. "It's a totally automated support product." Good times.
And then to add insult to injury, my Eurdora mail program corrupted my In Box. 1247 messages no completely unretrievable. Can you say who's the dope for not backing up? Good times.
So to counter all of this technological bad karma, had to get something done to counteract it all, so I set up a new MT weblog for Laquidara.
[Not-MT'ers, feel free to ignore this.]
I saw that a fellow MT Blogger never had anyone trackback to any of her messages. Well now she has. Congrats. Nice site by the way!
I wish it were for the mac.
But it's for the PC.
Dear me. Dear me.
The Moveable Type Plugin Directory has a new home. There are some pretty interesting plugins that just showed up, including MoveableJive and Textile.
The highly trained PerversionTracker staff locates the very worst of Mac software. We search the web for 15 minutes a day so you don?t have to!
Someone (some people I guess) seem to think that Google knows a bit too much and is something to be concerned about.
Moveable Type Pro is going to ship this summer. Interesting stuff with a pay-for model.
If you don't follow the NBA even in the slightest, ignore this post. ESPN put together a Flash site that runs a simulation of the NBA lottery. I thought it was some cool technology.
My friend Jay has started a new company with our friend Russ called Small Fry Studios. Their new site rocks and has lots of hidden features. Check it out and let me know what you think!
Hey OS X geeks, there's a new Safari beta out for the Macintosh.
We now take a time out from the regular joshua.com blog for a bit of pure gratuitous babe watching. (Hey, I called them women!)
Presenting, The Women of Baywatch. Yowie.
It seems that you can still get Deal Dude Gear via the Dell site. I wonder how long this is... [Joshua.com]
Update: They removed this too. Damn. Those backpacks are probably worth hundreds on ebay now.
I'm not sure how I missed this before but LaunchBar is my newest and probably most used utility I have on my Mac. If you use the Mac, get this and you'll never touch you mouse again. Well, not as much.
If you're on the West Coast - save yourself and skip Joe Millionaire tonight. Fox TV, you suck. I can't believe I just wasted 45 minutes (thank you Tivo) watching a 're-cap episode' of Joe Millionaire when you told us it would be decided tonight. First of all the show was boring except that Evan clearly got a LOT of special loving in the woods from Sarah. And next week? Two hours of that drivel? Please. Time to fast forward to the end next Tuesday morning.
Yahoo is covering the pot bust of the Dell Dude as well.
From FoxNews: "Benjamin Curtis, better known as "Steven," the Dell Computer pitchman, was arrested Sunday night for marijuana possession, a misdemeanor, according to New York City police." Why I find this really funny is just yesterday, USA Today wrote an article on how he's loveable. Curtis says his alter ego is more with it than Penn's pot-smoking Jeff Spicoli character. "He's not a slacker. He's more cunning." Cunning. There story was originally broke on The Smoking Gun.
I am trying out the posting feature of NetNewsWire Pro today. It seems to have some possibilities but needs uploading of graphics. That being said, it looks like a great start and the custom tags are pretty nice. If you want to subscribe to this site for NetNewsWire - the Lite or Pro versions - use this url: http://www.joshua.com/index.xml - enjoy!
There are lots of rumors floating around about a new 40g iPod coming out this week... maybe even today. I'll keep you posted as I plan on getting one. :-) Even the Apple Store is being updated.
Update: Dang. Just some new xServes. Not bad but not the new iPod.
So I watched Inside the Actors Studio with cast of The Simpsons tonight on Bravo and I must say, the whole experience was a bit lacking for a number of reasons I will now detail.
1. James Lipton. Can this guy be any less talented? Maybe I'm missing something since I've never seen any other one of his shows but he has got to be the worst interviewer I've ever seen. Let me play it out:
JL: Asks inane question so that actor can do a voice impersonation.
Actor: Responds.
JL: Asks a completly different question from a clearly prepared list, completely ignoring any specifics in response from the actor.
Lather, Rinse, Repeat for 45 minutes.
If you want to hear what a real interview should sound like, listen to Terry Gross on NRP. I would have liked to gotten to know the actors a bit better as a whole and a little less of them doing their schtick.
2. Why did the the actor of the voice of Marge Simpson and her sisters, Julie Kavner just vanish halfway through the show, without any comment about it? That was creepy.
3. Did they really bleep the word fart? Oh no! They said fart! Sheild your ears kiddies!
4. I was glad they gave, albeit a bit short, the kudos to the writers who clearly make the show what it is.
5. Why was there no mention of the voice of Mrs. Krabappel or any of the work done by the late great Phil Hartman. Ok, he's dead and the show doesn't focus on the dead people but Marcia Wallace has been doing the show forever.
6. Did I mention that this Lipton Fellow is a complete putz of was clearly all stary-eyed at mere sight of his guests.
All of that being said, as a whole I found the show pleasant to watch. Nothing more or less. But to add insult to injury, my Tivo flipped out on me and taped a really old episode of The Sopranos instead of the new Simpsons so I didn't get that taped. Oh Tivo, how have I wronged you?
I'd love to hear comments from others who watched this show.
Wired News: Public-Computer Users Beware. This guy at Boston College installed a keyboard monitoring tool on more than 100 machines at BC and then sat back and collected the data. He got busted when he stole around $2000 using the info. If you're going to do something like that, shouldn't you make it worth it and not do it for only $2000?
BravoTV: Inside the Actors Studio has the cast of The Simpsons on tomorrow night at 8pm. Yes, I will be watching. Ironically, it's on the same time as The Simpsons. Isn't that a bit odd? Yes, yes it is.
I just made it to 100 Positive Feedbacks on Ebay and got myself a Turquoise Star! Drinks are on me.
I know I'm a bit of a bloggie newbie and some of these things just wow me, but there are so many cool little add-ons. Now you can subscribe to the joshua.com site and get updates via email. It looks like it's working. Try it out and let me know what you think!
Would you like a "yourname @joshua.com" email? Do you run a blog? If so, just link to me on your blog page and send me a note and I'll set up a mail account with yourname @joshua.com to forward to your regular email address (as long as it's not taken...)
Let me know.
I just added the Blogroll Me link in side bar near the bottom. I was bored and thought the code was cool. Are you a Blogroller? Try it!
My old friend Charles Laquidara is blogging now. It's about time. He's got a lot to say and the email was killing me.
Oh wait, that is my bag. My friend owns and runs a printing and embroidery company and I visited him today. He made my camera / computer bag look sweet! Maurice, you rock! Steve, yours is next.
The tech hour continues...An article on Extracting video from a TiVo Series 1 with Mac OS X is up and looks pretty straightforward. I think this will be this weekend's project.
Welcome to Uber-techie hour! This wonderful little box from Latency Zero will "Maximize video quality and convenience in your home theater by connecting all of your component video devices with one product!" It lets you connect up to 8 component video sources (including their digital audio output with those cool optical cables) to your HDTV or projector. Now you use your progressive scan DVD player, HDTV receiver, satellite receiver, game console, and other cool stuff. Sweet!
Steve and I were IMing and I spelled foam as 'phoam' as a joke. (Now that's humor.) Of course I had to check if the domain existed. It's a group of inventors, physicists, musicians, artists, programmers, and hot-shot polka accordianists. Are these guys even still around? The web site is 2 years old.
Linux on iPod is now available! Sweet fancy moses!
Steve loaned me his lighting kit for the week. It's pretty sweet! If you need to know how to install a lightbulb in a Tota light kit, check out his instructional page. It's really quite cool. Now all I need is some subject matter.
I like watching Joe Millionaire. Ok, maybe I'm a little ashamed but it's really quite fun idiotic TV. I'm quite pysched that Mellisa is out. (Hope you didn't just read this on the west coast.) She was clearly really an idiot and selfish and even a bitch.. Evan isn't an Ivy League grad clearly, but Mellisa can't really speak the language. Last week she said she wanted to go feed starving children if she had a lot of money cause she was a "mercenary" at heart. Awesome! Even better, Evan didn't even notice.
mer�ce�nar�y - Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain.
I think she meant missionary (one who is sent on a mission, especially one sent to do religious or charitable work in a territory or foreign country) but I think she was more on the target originally.
This week she said she enjoyed when the "sun setted."
Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Coming soon... Joshua on Sarah!
You've never been one to impress the ladies and as Valentine's Day fast approaches you've sunk into a deep depression over how to make that chick you stare at every day at the bus stop notice you. Well, Easy Midget has the answer: The Bloody Nose Rose!
Ok, I don't need a wireless mouse but I really sorta kinda want one. This one from Logitech seems to have the final missing piece - a recharging base station - while still being an optical mouse. Anyone have any experience with this product?
I seem to have completed the Blogrolling implementation with just a tad of help from my friend Chris. Thanks Chris! (If you're trying to set up Blog Rolling and PHP, feel free to drop me a line and click on the "Email Joshua" link on the side.
I am trying in implement Blogrolling using their PHP code and it's not working. Well, it's not giving an error, it's just not doing anything. I need to figure out how to get a snippet of PHP code to work within a bit HTML file. Any ideas?
Not sure how long this one will last on-line but there's a pretty interesting article in today's Boston Globe about how easy it is to dig up information on someone via Google.
If you saw some weird messages today, ignore em. All is well. Thanks to Ronnie at AlwaysWebHosting.com for amazing support, again and again.
Anyone remember this? Apparently I said a bunch of good things about it and Apple quoted me in their brochure.
An oldie but a goodie! Remember Drunk Magee? I do. Don't ever forget about Drunk Magee!
So I'm watching Elmo's World (awesome effects!) and I notice that Elmo is left-handed. I'm left-handed and I found it interesting that they would actually go so far as to make a puppet a lefty as well. I wonder if the created is a lefty. Any other famous lefties out there we should be aware of?