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it's the Nintendo PC!
I'm quite sure that if Fox hadn't tried to have this book banned, it may have passed in the night without anyone even noticing. That being said, Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot was really very very funny. Good times for all.
His latest try has him suspended over the River Thames in London for more than six weeks. Good luck David, in whatever your goal may be.
Yes, now we're a deal site. :-) Office X for the Macintosh is available at Amazon for $99, off from the already low $149 (Educational version). I was pretty surprised to see it so cheap so I'm not sure if it's a mistake so act fast.
It seems some Apple fans have started a new site to expose BuyMusic.com. Interesting stuff at BoycottBuyMusic.com.
I liked this quote from the article: Some liberals wear T-shirts declaring, "So Many Right-Wing Christians . . . So Few Lions."
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Oy, such a deal!