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February 29, 2004

Favorite line of the night...

Went to dinner with friends... we talked about what kids eat and won't eat... "B" said that she didn't like Tofu. "It's like sausage - you never know what's in it." Oh my. Cooking.com seems to think it's something else.

February 28, 2004

Everything Brown!

I think someone at Yahoo has to pay a little more attention to the photos they include.

February 16, 2004

Jenny Jenny... I've got your number.

Or at least I can get it if I'm willing to pay. Ebayer is selling 867-5309.

February 8, 2004

I love Craig's List.

I totally had forgotten about it. It rocks and saved me this week. I use the Boston version but you can use the one in your area.

February 4, 2004


I've decided to try NetNewsWire to post as well...

Hack your own router!

swn-proj And make a super router! SeattleWireless has all the details. [Via SlashDot.]

More Pats Pix.

Steve had this slideshow from Boston.com - I liked it so it's here too.

What you don't see if you go to the Superbowl...

Apparently, if you sit in the seats, you miss all the action of live tv and the zoom lens.

February 2, 2004

I'm back.

Wow. Back from Houston, via Dallas... where I witnessed probably the best Superbowl in my life time. Pictures, and stories to follow but my favorite quote of the week came late this morning during the drive from Houston to Dallas. Jay and I stopped at a gas station and the woman behind the counter asked us where we were from. "Boston," I replied. "Oh did you go to the Superbowl?" "Yes. We were rooting for the Patriots." "Oh, is that where New England is? I had always wondered where that was." Oh man.