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Has anyone ever had


Has anyone ever had a positive experience at a Verizon Wireless store?

I like Verizon's service as my mobile carrier and as a whole, I have decent connections and not a lot of dropped calls. But sheesh, the stores are so painful! Ridiculous lines, just to wait in new lines. This morning, my cell broke for the 2nd time in a week, and I was curious if I could upgrade to a newer model since they didn't have a replacement model in stock of my current (broken) cell. I figured the answer was no and would have just been happy to be told that quickly. Instead, I had to get out of the tech support line, back to the sales line, then had to wait to ask a sales manager (who was on a break, only 20 minutes after the store had opened)... another 20 minutes passed to be denied but given the "good" news that I could get a replacement of my phone (not the newer model) by driving "only" six more exits on 95. Woot! Anyway, I have a replacement phone so that's good. Playing "I wonder who's calling me now" and "did I dial correctly?" on my cell sans screen wasn't so fun.

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