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July 30, 2004

Free DNC Speeches via iTunes.

Ok, this is cool. You can download the speeches from the Democratic National Convention for free on from the iTunes music store.

Yeah, I know it's a week old.

... but it's still really cool. "Hey A-Rod... you know they say that if my hand is bigger than your face..." On related news, both A-Rod and V-Tek got four game suspensions. Oh well. This ain't no hockey game!

Missing Joshua.

Joshua - where are you?

A note from a reader:

We are looking for Joshua Christian Vincent, born Joshua Christian Exelby, November 22, 1984. Joshua, please contact us if you see this. Your dad misses you, and I would love to meet you. You can contact me ksxlb AT hotmail.com, or your dad at xlb ATsbcglobal.net.

July 28, 2004

The final Nintendo DS Design.


Gizmodo has the final Nintendo DS design on their site!

One of the major complaints about the Nintendo DS after its showing at E3 was that it ugly as all hell, and while I sort of thought people were overreacting just a little, I can't say I was upset when Nintendo unveiled this final hardware design of a much more angular and adult-looking DS.

See more at Gizmodo.

July 26, 2004

Making the good steak!

If you were at my place on Saturday and wanted to know why the steak was so tasty, this marinater is part of the answer.

July 15, 2004

This land is your land. This land is my land.

This is one of the funniest political animations I've seen yet.